
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
In Episode 44 of Don't Call Me A Guru, Linda is joined by former co-host (still co-host? occasional co-host?) Tyler Jack Butler for a Social Conversation on a range of topics, including features we don't like about Instagram and Facebook Ads, the role of social media strategists, and many reasons why we LOVE TikTok (plus some insights for organizations considering using the platform).

Saturday May 01, 2021
Ep. 43 - Real Talk with Ryan Jespersen
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
In Episode 43 of Don't Call Me A Guru, Linda has a Real Talk with Ryan Jespersen, host of Real Talk—one of Canada's most popular news, politics, and pop culture talk shows.
Ryan Jespersen is an Edmonton broadcaster, podcaster, and social media content creator. Real Talk is an independent, daily, online, livestreaming podcast and YouTube show that launched in November 2020, just a few months after Ryan was let go from his mainstream radio broadcasting gig. Ryan has worked in media, news and broadcasting for years and has seen significant success since going out on his own and in this episode, Ryan shares insights on the role social media has played in the success of his show, ways to manage online criticisms and negativity, building authentic personal online brands, podcast tips, and more!

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Ep. 42 - Influencer Disclosure Discussion with Ad Standards Canada
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
In Episode 42 of Don't Call Me A Guru, Linda shares excerpts from her chat with Jani Yates, President of the Advertising Standards Canada, during the March 2021 iMEDIA Digital Marketing Conference. Jani shares influencer marketing trends, discusses unions for influencers and content creators, potential disclosure emojis, best practices, and more!
At the March 2021 iMEDIA Conference, the iMEDIA brand was retired and Takeaway was launched! Takeaway is an educational community that provides meaningful and actionable education for the doers in digital communications. Visit the Takeaway website to sign-up for updates and connect with them on social media @itsyourtakeaway to find your next Takeaway. itsyourtakeaway.com

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Ep. 41: 2021 Social Media Trends + The Return of Tyler Jack Butler
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
In Episode 41 of Don't Call Me A Guru, former podcast co-host and co-founder Tyler Jack Butler makes his triumphant return! Plus: Tyler and Linda discuss some social media trends and strategies for 2021 as is usually the case for a January episode.

Friday Dec 18, 2020
Ep. 40: Artist AJA Louden's Approach to Social Media
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
In Episode 40 of Don't Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang chats with amiskwaciwâskahikan (Treaty 6, Edmonton, Alberta)-based artist AJA Louden who shares his approach to using social media as an artist—benefits, challenges, considerations around Instagram's effect on art, providing value online, an exciting local project called Paint the Rails and more! AJA's insights are a must for any established or up-and-coming artist, but broader social media lessons can also be gleaned for those working in social media outside of the arts industry.
About AJA Louden
AJA is an artist based in amiskwaciwâskahikan (Treaty 6, Edmonton, Alberta). AJA Louden Studios creates inspiring, memorable interior and exterior artworks, boldly transforming everyday spaces into landmarks - the goal is making cities and spaces more inspiring, engaging, informed and thoughtful through strategic and compassionate use of creativity.

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
In Episode 39 of Don't Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang chats Mike and Mitzi Payne of Alberta creative agency Arcade, about their work managing social media for the global brand Some Good News (SGN) starring actor John Krasinski. The duo share their approach and lessons learned working on SGN social media, plus advice for those doing social for organizations that may not be as obviously fun ;)
About Some Good News
Some Good News is a popular web series created in 2020 and initially hosted by actor and filmmaker John Krasinski, that became a source for good news stories from around the world.
About Arcade
Arcade is a digital-forward creative agency specializing in strategy, content, and distribution, based in Calgary, Alberta.

Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Ep 38: How Alberta Doctors are using social media
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
In Episode 38 of Don't Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang chats with Leopold McGinnis and Stephanie Usher of the Alberta Medical Association (AMA) about the association's approach to social media, how it has used social media to communicate to the public and support its members during contract negotiations with the province, successes, challenges, lessons learned, how the AMA used TikTok, and advice to share for other social media managers.
For over 100 years, the Alberta Medication Association has represented and advocated for Alberta physicians and their patients. The AMA advances patient-centered, quality care by advocating for and supporting physician leadership and wellness.
Follow the Alberta Medical Association on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Ep 37 - How Small Food Businesses Are Using Social Media During the Pandemic
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
In Episode 37 of Don't Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang explores how social media has helped / is being used by local businesses during the pandemic, with guests Steve Brochu, owner/chef of Milk Crate Edmonton, Stephanie Ould, social media manager of the Edmonton Downtown Farmers' Market, and Ellie Huang, who has been helping Chinatown restaurants get up and active on social media.
Steve, Stephanie and Ellie share their approaches to social media before and during the pandemic, their social media successes and challenges, and advice for other business owners or entrepreneurs hoping to get the most out of their social media efforts.

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Ep 36 - How a comedian uses social media to build community engagement
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
In Episode 36 of Don't Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang chats virtually (as is the new normal) with popular Canadian comedian Lars Callieou who shares his approach to using social media to build his online brand and business as a stand-up comic, engaging community, growing your network, and staying positive online.

Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Ep 35 - iMEDIA Call-In Extravaganza (Digital Marketing Tips from a Range of Experts)
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
Saturday Mar 14, 2020
In Episode 35 of Don't Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang is joined by former co-host and co-founder Tyler Jack Butler, along with a cast of characters in a special iMEDIA Call-In Extravaganza featuring digital and social media marketing tips from experts who would have spoken at the 2020 iMEDIA Conference had it not been postponed due to COVID-19. We also discuss social and crisis comms related to COVID-19! Excuse the poor and differing audio quality, this episode was recorded creatively using Google Hangouts.
Thanks to special guests:
Tyler Jack Butler @tylerjackbutler
Morgan Hrynyk @iMEDIA_yeg
Karen Unland @KarenUnland
Liz Pittman @LizPittman_
Ameet Khabra @adwordsgirl
Karine Parthenais @Connexionista
Avery Johnson @johnsonave
Crystal Jones @eissyrc